Monday, December 28, 2009


The kids were anxiously awaiting Christmas. They couldnt wait to get their hands on the gifts under the tree! Nana Carolyn made all their Christmas jammies this year- the kids all looked super cute!
We video taped their faces as they walked out of their bedroom. After 4 or 5 gifts they were done opening and just wanted to play. Their favorite gift was a dirt devil vacuumn. Who knew I had such little cleaners :)

We also had family photos taken the day prior by Susan Stevenson. The photos were taken just before naptime and was complete chaos. Suprisingly we still got a few nice shots. Here is a link to our photos-
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Finally- my labor story.

Kennedy Marie was born 12/4 (41w1d) at 5:10am. She was 22" & 8#13oz -- all natural!

I had posted about my 41 week appointment, shortly after I came home and posted I began having contractions 10 minutes apart but thought nothing of it until I started having "show" around 7pm. None the less I still tried to go to bed around 9pm (thinking it was just from the doc checking me earlier that day) and was waking every 10 minutes on the dot. My husband was convinced we were going to have a baby that night-I didn't think so.
Finally around 12:30am I was pacing the house and contractions were every 6 minutes and becoming intense. We called our friend Melanie who came over and slept at the house (so she could take the twins home with her in the morning). We got to the hospital around 2am and I was already 7cm.

I got in the labor tub and stayed for 1.5 hours or so. I stood up to go pee and I started puking (transition!) by 4am it was time to push and I was exhausted. I was breathing through the contractions because I didn't want to push.

The pain was intense, and my doc/husband kept telling me its the only way the baby can come out! Finally I did it, I got her out! I was nervous, after her head come out I was afraid her shoulders were stuck. I kept telling my doctor to "get it out, get it out" and she kept telling me " you have to keep pushing".
When she finally arrived the doctor announced by saying "She's here!". We both still cant believe shes a girl. She looks nothing like us or our other 2. Thank-goodness we both witnessed it or we wouldn't think she was ours. She is beautiful with all her dark hair :)

We went home Friday afternoon (14 hours later!). I felt fine and the baby was well so no need to stay (plus I missed the twins)! Before we left they discovered Kennedy has a soft cleft palate (only)-- way back in the back of her mouth where her uvula should be, she has a small hole.

We saw the plastic surgeon here in town and he doesn't like to do the repair until she is one. We are going for a second opinion at Seattle Children's Hospital next month when we visit Curtis' parents. They usually do soft cleft repairs between 9-12 months of age. Of course I'm hoping for an earlier repair.

This has been very hard for me. As a LLL leader and a breastfeeding mom, I was really looking forward to the experience of nursing a singleton and right now we cant nurse at all! I'm pumping around the clock, bottle feeding, washing all the bottles/pump parts etc and then there's the twins- this isn't what I had envisioned and is super hard but we're trying to make the best of it. I thought we'd co-sleep/nurse, I could sling her and sit down with the toddlers etc. I didn't think Id be up for all hours of the night trying to pump/feed etc. I thought we would just get in the car and go- but unless I can get everyone ready, out of the house and back home again in less than 3 hours (so I can pump) we aren't going anywhere!

I'm having a hard time establishing a routine and transitioning to life with 3 and a pump. Hence the reason its taken me so long to update! I'm sure it will all be OK- I just need to adjust.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts, you all have been great!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Welcom Kennedy Marie Lima Harper!

Brand new to the world on 12/4/09 at 5:10am! Weighing in at 8#13oz & 22" long!
First picture with Dad!
Meeting Everett & Macey for the 1st time at Melanies House

Hanging out on the couch

She is a jolly little thing!

We're still working on a schedule of sorts and we are both sleep deprived already so more to come (such as the birth story & how things are going) when things settle down!

My 41 week appointment

Written on 03 December 2009 - 05:07 PM
For those of you keeping up on me, I had my 41 week appointment today.I am almost 5cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor said she is on call tonight so if I start having contractions (they don't even need to be 5 minutes apart) and I wanted to come in, I could and she would be happy to break my water and we will have a baby!We did an NST (non-stress test) and everything looks good. I scheduled an appointment for Monday but she doesn't think I will make it till then. If I do, we will do an ultrasound on Monday to check the amniotic fluid etc. She said if I made it to 42 weeks (which again is highly unlikely) at that point we would discuss an induction date. Im moving right along. Slow & Steady!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day- my due date, has officially come & gone!

I had a doctors appointment last Wednesday the 25th to which I was "a good 3cm and 80% effaced". The doctor offered to sweep my membranes but I politely declined and scheduled my 41 week appointment. I had secretly hoped to not go that long, but am willing to go the distance (doc says up to 42 weeks) if that's what baby #3 wants....and given that I'm 40w5d today its quite possible I could make it!

Curt's family was here celebrating the holiday with us. They were busy cooking, cleaning and chasing toddlers. I haven't done much of anything. Ive definitely been spoiled and am sad to see them go. Not just because of the help but the company too :) Its fun to have a full house. Everett & Macey love love love their cousins, auntie & grandma/grandpa. I'm also sad that they wont get to be here to celebrate the birth of the new baby (whenever he or she decides to grace us with its presence).

We did a lot while they were here. Here's a random sampling of our photos!
Grandma & Grandpa Harper with Everett & Macey (notice his hair pretty LOL)

Everett, Kloe, Grandma, Macey & Kai hanging out at the island. The new "hot spot".

Macey laughing from the belly up! We were at the ice skating rink and she thought her auntie, dad & cousins were quite funny!

While they ice skated Mel & I walked a little over a mile with the 4 kiddos. We were hoping for a 5th to show up before it was over but nothing happened!

Curt & I at Bonkers Indoor Playground

Grandma & Macey at Bonkers

Dad & Everett in the ball pit

Story time with cousin Kloe.
(I don't think I read a book all week!)

Out at Murphy's dome
Sledding out in the backyard!
Other things we did, not shown:
Chena hot springs (the water was perfect, everyone loved swimming!)
The pipe line
Glow putt golf
The Santa clause house
McDonalds playland
More to come when the baby arrives or I have my 41 week appointment on Thursday....

Sunday, November 22, 2009

39 weeks & 3 days --

Its been a week- a Loooooong week and Yes Im still pregnant.
I saw the midwife for my last appointment (Dr Ellie was still in Africa) and I was dilated 3cm and 70% effaced. The baby is completely dropped/engaged and I was measuring 41 weeks when I was just 39. You'd think the baby would want to come out, its got to be so cramped in there! But I guess not.

I see Dr. ellie for my 40 week appointment on Wednesday. I wish I had a gut feeling of when this baby is going to come but honestly I have no idea. The twins were pretty cozy till they got evicted maybe this baby will be the same way? I made up my mind in early pregnancy that I wanted this baby to come whenever it wanted too - Im just hoping it wants to come soon. Dr. Ellie said she doubted I would go over, but as long as baby & I are both doing well she will let us go till 42 weeks which is December 10th.

The in-laws fly in this evening, and my SIL and her kids get her late tomorrow night. We're going to have a full house and lots of entertainers for Everett & Macey. Amen! They must know something is up as we've been having lots of NO days. They are into everything and doing everything they absolutely shouldn't be and its exhausting.
They've even boycotted naps for the last 2 days but are fast asleep as I type this now and try to keep my mind busy.

More to come!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

38 weeks and waiting

I'm 38 weeks now, 38weeks and 2 days to be exact and the waiting is killing me!

I've now been pregnant for 9 days longer than I ever have before. I'm constantly wondering :

1. what is this baby going to be, boy or girl?

2. how much will it weigh?

3. who will it look like?

4. when will I go into labor? how long will it last?

I realize things are probably much easier with the baby still safely tucked away in my tummy then it will be when it comes out BUT I'm super excited for Everett & Macey to meet their new baby brother or sister.

Of course people are calling & texting me everyday asking if I'm in labor yet. The answer is NOT YET :) But I will let you all know when the baby is here :) Don't worry, I'm going to need help!

Remember Im due "Thanksgiving day" so the baby still has some baking time if it wants it.

Had a doctors appointment with the midwife this past Wednesday as my OB is officially out of town. Not much has changed. The only indication I have that labor *might* be coming is I didn't gain any weight at the last appointment. I see her again this Thursday. Thursday/Friday are also supposed to be my last 2 days at work before I start my maternity leave.

I also found out the labor tub at the hospital is back in operation -- yay for me! oh and for those of you I may not have told my massage therapist is going to attend the birth :) She's thinking about becoming a doula so she is going to offer her services in exchange for seeing if its something she's truly interested in. Im psyched.

Here's the latest picture:

And a few others to show you how we are passing the time as we wait:

Blue Play-doh.
She played while I made dinner and daddy & Everett ran errands

Macey & Everett posing in their new "picture spot"

whenever I ask them to take a picture they run to the end of the counter
and stand side by side to pose

Kallyn & the kids reading

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009- See how they've grown!

Harper Babies in 2008:
Harper Babies in 2009:
(notice sh'e wearing his outfit from the year prior!)
Fred, Pebbles & Bam-Bam!
(with a few improvisions so call them cave people if you'd like)She found a puppy! Our handy artwork :)
All in all it was a great day. The kids wore fun halloween clothes for the day and then changed into their costumes for night. I cant believe how big they've grown in a year! We spent the evening with lots of good friends enjoying good food! Happy Halloween!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The baby wish list/ to do list

Time is flying. This baby is going to be here in no time. My energy has picked up again and I have quite the list to accomplish with 4 weeks to go..... I started yesterday by packing my hospital bag (which isn't done yet) and for as sure as I am that I'm having a boy, I still packed an outfit for each gender "just in case".
I've got some thank-you notes to write, my ring sling to finish, Halloween costumes & treats to make and then there's the cleaning. You know, because my house isn't clean already.

We've started getting some decent snowfall and the temperature has been hovering right around freezing. The roads have been terrible but that didn't stop me from driving 35 minutes to blueberry baby yesterday (when its normally a 15 min trek). I just HAD to go get a few things. And of course while I was there I saw a few more things I want to add to my wish list.
People keep asking what I want for Christmas and it seems most things I want are for the new baby. You'd think after having the twins I'd have all the baby things that I want but I guess there are always things to be desired.

So far on my list I'm hoping to get the baby:
  • a few new outfits of its very own (once I know the gender) that don't have to be hand-me-downs from its brother/sister. Even though it wont care if its clothes are new or not, I will know.
  • A pair of those super cute Padraig slippers. The twins never had them but I love them.
  • a few Bum Genius 3.0 cloth diapers
  • His/her own baby book. Everett & Macey have the ones that are "The first 5 years". I need to find one more for this baby.
  • a swankie blankie security blanket -
I think that's it. If I make it to my due date Ive got 8 more days of work left before I start my 12 weeks of maternity leave. I still haven't decided if I'm going back to work or not. I guess I'll see how things go.
I just put the kids down & Curts at the gym so I guess I should go complete something on that to-do list of mine although it sure is nice to sit down!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

We've been busy, sick and everything in between!

Its been in the 40s and we havent had any snow yet so we've been playing at the park as much as we can. Here are a few shots we took at Chena Lakes:

and heres one of the kids getting their first whole corn on the cob! If I would have known how busy & quiet it kept them at dinner I would have done this a long time ago. They loved it!

Saturday the 17th we went to Anchorage. It was a beautiful 6.5 hour drive and the kids were as good as you can expect them to be for being 1 year old. We spent the remainder of the first day letting the babies run around and explore the house. Saturday night Curt, my brother Joey & one of his friends went to a hockey game. I stayed back and relaxed with Carolyn.

Sunday Carolyn & I took them to church & Al ( a very nice member) spotted Macey and asked if she had any doll furniture. He handcrafts beautiful wooden doll furniture. She is now the proud owner of a baby doll cradle & chair. Everett also scored an old fashioned desk. It was very generous of Al!

After church Curt & I went and shopped at the mall. We didn't buy much but we bought a few things we wanted for ourselves. Then we went to Babies R Us/ Toys R Us and shopped for the kids Christmas. It was fun. I cant wait to see the looks on their faces! Sunday night we went to the moose's tooth for dinner. I really wish they would build one here in Fairbanks.

Monday we took the kids to chuck e cheese. Its still a little advanced for them but they were able to find a solid hours worth of activities to do. later that evening we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary by going to dinner at Simon & Seafords. It was a nice evening.
The Harper Family on our 4th Wedding Anniversary

Tuesday, Curt & I went and toured the Anchorage Tower & Tracon and also the center. It was Curts first tour and I got to visit with a friend. later that evening we all (our family plus nin & Carolyn) went out for dinner at a new restaurant called Firetap Alehouse. I really liked it but no one else was as impressed. Needless to say Macey ended up vomiting mac'n cheese all night long. I don't know if it was the food or if she caught something but we were all very very tired. The worst part was I'm soooo pregnant I couldn't get up/sit up quick enough to take her to the bathroom so Curt had to take her each & every time.

Wednesday we drove back to Fairbanks. The drive was LOOONG!!!! we were all tired & grumpy but we made it. We unpacked and lounged around the house.

The trip was great and Carolyn was super helpful. It was really nice not to have to change all those diapers, cook meals, and just be able to sleep & rest when I needed too. The only thing that would have made the trip better is if Dustin & my dad were there to join us :)

Thursday I had a doctors appointment at 8:15am. I'm 35 weeks pregnant. Only 5 more weeks to go. So far everything still looks good. Doc Ellie said I dont have to have an IV- she said Im young & healthy, very low risk pregnancy and have great veins so if they need one they can tke care of it then:) Ive started dilating and effacing so we are heading in the right direction. Baby's heartbeat was in the low 130s. Unfortunately Ive started getting more stretchmarks. I would have thought after carrying the twins for 37 weeks I would have gotten all the ones I was going to get but I guess not!
Here I am at almost 34 weeks:
I mentioned early that Macey was puking all Tuesday night. Well Everett had his turn Friday night and Curt on Saturday. Im beginning to think they all got the flu. I havent been sick yet, but I also already got my flu shot this year....I think being pregnant should make me exempt from any other discomforts LOL. Here is a picture of Everett & Curtis lounging around recovering as they watch Sunday football:
More to come as the weeks progress!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Out of the ordinary

I'm 32 weeks pregnant now (8 months for those that prefer it in that form).

When I last saw my doctor we talked about her being out on vacation close to my due date.

Normally there are 5 other doctors that would cover in her absence. Unfortunately I'm not very found of the other choices and I don't want whoever is on call. I want someone familiar. I suggested another female OB in town that friends have had good experiences with so my doctor put a call in to her and guess what, she will be out of town too!

We talked a little more about what I'm looking for in a provider. I want someone who:

1. Wont rush me
2. Wont push medications on me
3. Isn't cut happy
4. Has good bedside manner and will listen to what *I* want (after all, I'm the one having the baby).

My doctor concluded I would probably do great with a midwife and thus she suggested a new one in town : Lisa Freeland.

In case you're wondering what a midwife is exactly (I also highlighted some things to remember):

A Certified Nurse Midwife is licensed and registered by a State Board of Midwifery. In order to obtain these credentials a person must complete a nursing program and then continue with graduate studies specifically in the field of Midwifery. Midwifery education consists of the complete knowledge
of the female reproductive system. They are taught to diagnose and treat (including writing prescriptions). After their schooling, a graduate Nurse Midwife must pass a
national exam (their "boards" if you will). Relative to
their role in the health care system, they receive as
stringent an education as a physician only not in
the medical school tract.
In fact, Ivy League schools such as Columbia and Yale University have Midwifery programs.

A Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) is able to care for the essentially healthy women for her obstetrical and gynecological care. She can render complete prenatal, intrapartum and post partum care as well as the diagnosis and treatment of the many common gynecological problems that affect women. In fact, Midwives manage women in all areas of their OB/GYN health including annual exams, pap smears, birth control, hormone replacement, infertility, and, of
course, all aspects of pregnancy and delivery. Midwives do not do surgery and they do not manage high risk problems. They work within a collegial relationship with a physician with whom she can consult or refer a patient. By law, a Midwife must have a physician to back her up. Once a person receives their credentials, their personal style can take many forms.
The most well known are the Midwives who do home births. In this environment, a Midwife has the ability to assist a
couple through the birthing process in a natural and comfortable milieu. It gives the Midwife the freedom to implement a total non-interventionist philosophy.
To the other extreme, and I believe the least known form of
practice, is the Midwife who chooses to mainstream. They are educated with the non-interventionist philosophy and incorporate that core education with a more expanded approach to providing care. These Midwives work in hospital settings (this is where Lisa works). They can be employed in the Midwifery department of a hospital, or like a physician, they work in private practices and are privileged to attend deliveries in the hospital.
Like the home birth Midwife, they utilize such techniques as talking to, walking with, massaging, medicating and showering the laboring patient to help decrease her discomfort. The hospital birth Midwife also has the availability (when she needs to use them) to benefit from modern technology such as fetal monitors, ultrasound, lab analysis and emergency equipment/personnel.

I went and met Lisa last Thursday and she was GREAT! She has hospital privileges and I can still deliver there but I think she will offer everything I'm looking for. She started as a regular nurse, than became a Labor & Delivery nurse and has been a midwife now for 16 years! She's delivered over 1000 babies. If I should happen to need a c-section she will call for one of the "on-call" docs to perform it but she will be there assisting. If I don't get an epidural she can provide labor support (as described above) and she will be there for ALL of the pushing, not just the baby catching. I will have my 37 and 38 week appointments with her while my doctor is on vacation. When she saw me at my 31 week appointment I was measuring 34 almost 35 weeks pregnant. Ive already gained 25 pounds and my back is feeling every bit of it. Thank goodness for pregnancy massage and good insurance that covers it!

The crib transition has been in full swing for almost 2 weeks now. Its been fantastic....until last Saturday. Both babies refused to nap. I finally gave up. Everett stayed up the WHOLE day from 7a-7p it was amazing. Macey on the other hand started to go down hill quickly around 430pm. I put her in her room and she fell asleep in her rocking chair.
I always wondered how parents got those pictures of kids sleeping in the oddest of places. My kids have always been great nappers so I never understood- now I do.
Along with their new independence of toddler beds and the little tikes table for meals & snacks, we got a new step stool! Here are the babies standing up at the kitchen island. They love it. They are able to see what I'm doing and they also like standing at the sink to wash their hands :)

Recently it started snowing here in the interior. Its beautiful. Its not staying on the ground but it is sticking to the rooftops and trees. I feel like Curt & I have been getting things done just in the nic of time (leaf blowing, studded tires on, screens out & windows cleaned etc). The kids LOVE the snow. The first day they saw it Everett walked outside and exclaimed " WOW!" It was so cute. They also love their snow gear and are eager to put it on everyday. I cant wait to take them sledding and to build a snowman. I think Everett will be super excited once he learns about "snow balls" :)

We had our 2nd annual bonfire last night. It was a good time. The babies stayed up and played till nearly 8pm and then I put them to bed and headed back to the party. We asked everyone to bring a lawn chair & a dish. We had a great spread of food and wonderful company :)
The last tidbits of news I have --- our sewer line broke about a week ago (luckily Curt & a friends husband who's a plumber were able to fix it cheaply), and this week our well line broke. I'm thankful that its not 40 below and its not the weekend but I really wish this house (or rather the things attached to it) would settle already. If it continues at this rate we may have to consider moving to another house. We expect some repairs due to the living conditions here and the fact that we are home "owners" but not the same 2 repairs year after year. They should get the well line fixed tomorrow.
My Paypal account was also broken into and transactions were being made that I didn't authorize! I called paypal & my bank and its all been worked out but I was not a happy mama!
Now that Ive filled you in I'm off to pick up toys and get myself ready for bed!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Toddler Bed Transitions - what a success!

Macey's Toddler Bed

Everett's Toddler Bed

Its been a while now that Curt & I have been tethering with whether or not to move the babies to toddler beds and WHEN to move them to toddler beds etc. We bought their cribs with the ability to convert it's just been a question about when.
With moving to toddler beds, the new baby coming, potty training etc there are just so many changes I didn't want them all to happen at once. When the twins had their 18 month check up I talked to our pediatrician about it and she thought we should wait until a few months AFTER the new baby arrived. My gut told me otherwise so yesterday on the mark of them turning 19 months we made the transition. We both agreed if it went horribly it would be just a few screws to make them cribs once again.

Well so far so good! Its been great! I think we've been making the transition slowly all along we just didn't realize it. We had previously baby proofed their whole room. We secured all the furniture and got rid of the dresser, we kept the toys minimal- books mostly. Then we started putting them in their cribs and sitting in the rocking chair reading them their story book before bed.
Now that we've made the transition everyone goes to their room, hops in their own bed and sits down to listen to the story. It sure is nice not having to lift two 20+ pound toddlers!
We've had 2 successful naps and on their first night of sleeping in the beds they even slept in!
This morning I heard them talking and Everett had wandered over to Macey's bed and was helping her play baby dolls. This afternoon I heard Everett talking and was expecting to see both toddlers when I realized it was only him that was awake and he had stayed in his bed! He didn't bother his still sleeping sister. yay!

We had thought that Macey was for sure ready for the transition (she had been trying to climb IN to her crib) and Everett was the reason we were kinda holding off. Come to find out (after 2 days) he was definitely ready and she well...she's working on it. She wants to get up and play and she takes FOREVER to fall asleep.

Curt & I set up cameras in their room so we could watch them after we put them down for naps/night time. Its neat to watch them sleep :)
I told Curt between using the little tikes picnic table for breakfast & lunch, and transitioning to toddler beds, my day to day life with them and the pregnancy is getting easier. They were really starting to get heavy!
Hopefully this will continue to go well, then we will welcome the new baby and a few shorts months after that we will be on to potty training. It's so fun to watch them grow and gain their independence!
Macey " What are you looking at?"
Everett " Who the heck are you calling?"
I can only imagine the conversations those two have just by looking at one another. Too cute!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September in Fairbanks

Last Thursday Sept 10th, Curt & I decided we were going to try and float the river one more time before the snow comes. However we showed up to the kayak rental to discover that no one rents kayaks in Fairbanks after Labor day. Boo! We ended up going out to Chena Lakes in North Pole and had a nice walk instead. The dogs loved it!

The Chena River

me 7 months pregnant/29 weeks

Curt & I together, attempting to photograph ourselves

On Sept 2nd the babies got their MMR shot. The nurse advised us that they could show symptoms as late as 7-14 days after the shot. Sure enough, Everett broke out in a rash that spread all over his body. That was followed by both babies getting a fever. Macey ran a solid 102 for 3 days!!!
Needless to say, me being 7 months pregnant, with 2 feverish, clingy, whiney, needy toddlers was really wearing on me.
Carolyn and Dad decided to come up on Sunday and essentially gave me the day off. It was great. I was able to shower in peace, run errands alone, and lounge on the couch.
They brought la few new toys a broom, a baby and a ride o(n truck) when they came and they played with the babies ....A LOT! Here are a few photos:
Everett & Vavu putting his new ride on truck together

Everett trying to push Vavu around in the laundry basket

Watching Sunday football in their Cleveland Browns Attire
*courtesty of Grammy Jen*

Later in the afternoon we decided to go to Snedden park for a while. The kids had a blast.
Curt met us there afterwork and I made sure the dogs got some good exercise while the babies were being entertained.

Ready, Set, SLIDE!

HA! HA! Whose the winner?!

Nana, Vavu, Everett & Macey

Daddy & Macey by the river

We had a nice dinner at home (well as nice as one can be with toddlers throwing rice all over the floor) and before we knew it the day was over!
I hope to have a few more relaxing days before the new baby arrives!