Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gloomy Days

It's been 1 week since my sister, Jenna, arrived here in Fairbanks. She's been a great help, even getting up with the babies alone a few mornings and letting us sleep in :) Sunday the four of us went grocery shopping and by the time we came home she collapsed on the couch exclaiming " that was exhausting I never want to do it again". Who knew 2 toddlers could take so much out of a person. Shes been napping daily and I find it refreshing that for as young and energetic as she is, they wear her out as well!
Since shes been here we've done a few things. We went to Twinsgroup at Pioneer park, Snedden park for a regular playgroup, North Pole Park for a birthday party and the Bently Mall. Shes been Kayaking with Sarah & to hot licks ice cream. She got to see the summer solstice street fair and Monday night we went to the movies and saw The Proposal. We also went to the food factory & the library. She's slowly learning her way around town. There's not a ton of tourist attractions here especially that appeal to a 17 year old girl so Im trying to find a few things to keep her interested but its challenging.

Here she is Kayaking:
All day yesterday & today it was dark & gloomy, cold & pouring rain. Most of our moods have reflected the weather. I sure hope the warmth & sunshine come back soon.

In other news, a good friend of mine loaned me some "soap nuts" laundry detergent to use on the babies cloth diapers- so far Im loving them. She also loaned us a Bum Genius 3.0 Diaper but we havent tried it yet. We looked for the babies some new Seattle Mariners hats (toddler size) and were able to find 2 very cute ones at LIDS in the Bently Mall but they were spendy so we passed for now.
Tomorrow, Friday & Monday I have to go to work :( then Tuesday my MIL arrives! Hope the weather is nice for her so we can do a few things! We're hoping to go to Chena Hot Springs so her & my sister can see the ice museum and we can all enjoy the hot tubs and indoor pool together. The babies LOVE the water!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

16 weeks & 3 days

Well my pregnancy is moving right along and there are times I could completely forget I'm pregnant but then there's the fact that my belly is starting to itch, I'm hungry all the time, and yesterday when the kids napped, I had to as well- Baby #3 told me too. S/he was tired!

Yesterday morning, Curt let me sleep in and it was heaven. I woke up to find the kids fed, breakfast and dishes both done. :) Then I got to go get an hour long massage and an adjustment from the chiropractor. Surprisingly my lower back is doing fantastic, its my neck that's killing me. I'm seeing the physical therapist at the chiropractors office to help me learn some exercises to alleviate the neck pain I'm experiencing due to the pregnancy. She said its all because of my changing posture as my belly grows. We'll see if it helps.

Here are a few pictures Ive started taking, no big changes yet (please forgive the lighting and my past pregnancy stretch marks that are starting to show-ugh):

(Above) Here I am at 12 weeks. Macey is wondering what I'm doing....

(Above) Here again at 16 weeks...

And here's a picture for good measure! Just the kids and I, lounging in the living room spending some quality time together before they go "nigh-nigh" :)

I Love them so much! they are sleeping now as I type. Cat, the lady who helps me clean is on her way over to help me get my house in order. I hate laundry and she doesn't seem to mind. Lucky me!!! My sister arrives late Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. We have lots of company scheduled for the summer and I'm excited. I need a pick me up. Ive had a lot of bad news this week. Pray for your friends, family and co-workers because you never know what will happen.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Locks of Love, LLL and photos!

Today was the big day! Ive been talking about donating my hair to locks of love for a while now....I finally called the salon this morning thinking it would take weeks before they could get me in only to find out they had a cancellation for today! I anxiously went. I thought by the time it was over I might end up with a pixie cut but I knew I was done with long hair for the time being and I needed a fresh look. Besides, its for a good cause right?

I was able to donate 11 inches of my hair. Then I lost a few more getting my current style. Here are the before/after pics:
Not to shabby. Im definitely going to be saving in shampoo! Afterwards I went home and got the kids and we went to Melanies house to play for a while. They had a great time and they just LOVE her backyard. Here are some photos from that as well:

The babies got their varicella & hepatitis A vaccines yesterday. So far they haven't had any reactions. As far as development, they are doing fantastic. Curt & I counted up the words they can say, and so far they have 17!!! They also sign for about 5 others. Everetts doing well for height/weight, Macey on the other hand isn't even on the weight chart. I guess shes taking after her mama! None the less, both babies are healthy, happy & thriving.

Last tidbit of news is that as of June 6th I am officially an accredited La Leche League Leader. Tomorrow will be the first meeting I attend in "leader status". Next month, the main leader, Mary, will be out of town so I will by flying solo for the 1st time. Good thing I have a month to prepare. The local WIC office has also gractiously agreed to let me get some volunteer hours in there as a breastfeeding peer counselor. Im well on my way to becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I just have to complete my 1000 hours before I plan to test which is in 2011.

Thats all for now! Im off to enjoy some quiet time before I head to bed. take care!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Suprise! We're having another baby!

Well its been almost 16 months since I blogged last....I dont know what Ive been doing!
My previous website was where I blogged all about my twin prengancy....time keeps ticking and Ive done random updates through email but have finally decided Im ready for something more. Here I am.

The thing that really got me thinking about blogging is baby #3. Thats right, we're having another! This baby was a complete suprise and so far Ive done nothing for it like I did for the twins. The twins have an incredible book that talks about their start from conception through delivery. This baby has had 1 picture. bad mommy.

We found out I was pregnant March 26th. The twins had just turned 13 months old. I was tired all the time. More tired than the work of toddler twins. I took a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy and well I wasnt even done peeing on the stick when it turned positive. I called my doctor and insisted on an ultrasound since I had no clue how far along I would be. Id never had a period since I had the twins. I was still nursing and we'd used clomid to concieve E & M.

When I went for the first ultrasound all we saw was a sac that was measuring 6w2d but no fetus. Dr. Worrel told us we were either earlier than 6weeks or that I would miscarry. My doctor then decided to check my HCG levels. The first day she checked they were 24,213. Two days later they had risen to 33,000+ . I said " oh thats not much" to which she replied " acutally its remarkable. once you get in the thousands we dont expect it to come even close to doubling." I asked her if it sounded like 1 baby...she said no which is why you need to have another ultrasound. A looooong 2 weeks later we went for another ultrasound on Apr 13. We found out then we were having 1 baby and I was 7w5d. This baby was to be born Nov 26th, 2009 - Thanksgiving day!

I had my first real OB appt in the 9th week. I was still not convinced it was a singleton. This pregnancy had far more exhaustion,nausea and vomiting then I had ever experienced with the twins. I felt awful. My patient doctor, understanding my concerns and fears took me to her ultrasound room to which she showed me again- 1 baby. This baby was moving and measuring right on target.

Around 13 weeks I started feeling light movement. When I went for my most recent OB visit, yesterday June 3rd at 14w6d I told her Id been feeling the baby move and was able to show her exactly where s/he was. She said most women cant feel that early but given that Im thin and this isnt my first pregnancy it would explain why I could. The babies heartbeat was measuring 154 and so far Ive gained 4 pounds past my pre-pregnancy weight. My next appt is in July.

Ive decided I do not want to know the sex. We already have a boy and a girl. We have everything we need. In todays world there are very few suprises and I want this one. My husband doesnt seem to agree. we'll see how it goes!

Well I think that has me caught up on the prengancy part. More to come on our everyday life with our toddler twins and the gorgeous Alaska summer!