Tuesday, July 14, 2009

20 week ultrasound~

Halfway there, here I am:

We had our big 20 week ultrasound yesterday! I told Doctor Worrel right away that we didn't want to know the sex. I told him he could leave the monitor on, just not to tell us what he saw.

When he first put the transducer on my belly we immediately saw a head, 2 feet and 10 toes! It was the cutest!

The baby looks very healthy and is already measuring 13oz (just shy of a pound). It appears I may have a little excess amniotic fluid and also a low lying placenta. I spoke with Doctor Ellie about both those things this morning. She said we'll do another ultrasound around 28 weeks to check the position of the placenta (which should migrate up as my uterus grows) and also to check the fluid levels. She said 2 possible causes of excess amniotic fluid are 1. The baby isn't swallowing properly (although Doc Worrel saw the baby's belly clearly yesterday and it looked great) and 2. gestational diabetes, so I will have the GD test done at my next appointment Aug 10th. I'm hopeful it will turn out to be nothing at all!
From left to right babies head/spine, babies face and hand, top of babies head with 2 feet and 10 toes!, picture of whats supposed to be the nose/lip (but don't worry, I don't see it either!)
We got to see the baby yawn and that was neat too!
Curt swears he saw boy parts, and Im not so certain. None the less we've picked out two names (one for each gender).
If the baby should be a boy he will be named: Charlie Reeves Harper
If the baby should be a girl she will be named: Kennedy Marie Lima Harper

Aside from that we havent had much going on. The weather has continued to be hot, we've had intermittent smoke from the surrounding forest firest and Everett has his first tan. Curt has decided E must have my portuguese skin tone! We're not so sure about Macey...

Macey went to the doctors on Saturday, she has impetigo. She has almost completed her treatment, thankfully because shes been miserable and I cant wait for her to get back to the happy little lady I once knew. Macey's three new words are NO, uh-0h and brother :)

Everetts new skills are saying NO in a very serious tone while he shakes his finger at you, jumping up & down and walking down the stairs forward facing unassisted holding onto the hand rail.
The babies are growing up so quick!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Well the summer sun has been in full force! At one point today my car read it was 91 outside...we don't have air conditioning in the house (like most Alaskans) so we've been keeping all the windows open & fans on but it sure is a change from winter. Heat like this makes me long for those cold blustery snowy days. Poor little Macey was so hot and shes just been outside a few mintues. Heres a picture of her waiting to be put in the car: The time has been flying by (hence no new blogs), Jenna has been here almost 3 weeks now and Lea Ann (my MIL) arrived here very early Wednesday morning. We spent most of Wednesday going to twingroup at Pioneer Park, and then headed out to Chena Hot springs.
Along the way we spotted several moose! One mama moose had her 2 calves with her - it was quite the site to see. Lea Ann & Jenna were both very excited about the moose!

We completed the evening with a nice dinner at Silver Gulch Brewery. The waitress even commented on how well behaved the babies were.

Thursday I had to go to work so not much happened during the day, once I got home I learned my dad was making a work related pit-stop here in Fairbanks so I went and picked him up from the hotel he was staying at. He got to meet my sister and spend some time with the babies. We headed to the tower so he could say hello to his favorite Son-in-law and then we went to Lavelles where Lea Ann and dad had drinks and I had a HUGE piece of cheesecake! We stayed up way too late and thank heavens Lea Ann got up with the babies this morning. I don't think I would have made it.

After everyone had their showers and lunch we went to the bontanical gardens at UAF. It was beautiful but HOT! Heres my sister & I, and then everyone together:

Here I am, only 5 months pregnant- (and yes I was much larger at this point when I was having the twins) but I wasn't pregnant in the summer and chasing two toddlers. I don't know about 4 more months of this --- I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday morning and should get an ultrasound sometime in the week to follow so we'll see how this baby is doing! So far I think all is well. The baby has been moving a TON and Jenna even got to feel it a few different nights this week!
After the botanical garden we went and got some famous Hot Licks ice cream and came home to nap yet again - well all but Curtis, unfortunately he had to go to work again ;(

Curt has to work most of the weekend as well so as it stands we will probably enjoy a nice leisurely lunch tomorrow and then back to Pioneer Park for some fourth of July festivities.

Happy 4th of July!