Thursday, December 24, 2009

Finally- my labor story.

Kennedy Marie was born 12/4 (41w1d) at 5:10am. She was 22" & 8#13oz -- all natural!

I had posted about my 41 week appointment, shortly after I came home and posted I began having contractions 10 minutes apart but thought nothing of it until I started having "show" around 7pm. None the less I still tried to go to bed around 9pm (thinking it was just from the doc checking me earlier that day) and was waking every 10 minutes on the dot. My husband was convinced we were going to have a baby that night-I didn't think so.
Finally around 12:30am I was pacing the house and contractions were every 6 minutes and becoming intense. We called our friend Melanie who came over and slept at the house (so she could take the twins home with her in the morning). We got to the hospital around 2am and I was already 7cm.

I got in the labor tub and stayed for 1.5 hours or so. I stood up to go pee and I started puking (transition!) by 4am it was time to push and I was exhausted. I was breathing through the contractions because I didn't want to push.

The pain was intense, and my doc/husband kept telling me its the only way the baby can come out! Finally I did it, I got her out! I was nervous, after her head come out I was afraid her shoulders were stuck. I kept telling my doctor to "get it out, get it out" and she kept telling me " you have to keep pushing".
When she finally arrived the doctor announced by saying "She's here!". We both still cant believe shes a girl. She looks nothing like us or our other 2. Thank-goodness we both witnessed it or we wouldn't think she was ours. She is beautiful with all her dark hair :)

We went home Friday afternoon (14 hours later!). I felt fine and the baby was well so no need to stay (plus I missed the twins)! Before we left they discovered Kennedy has a soft cleft palate (only)-- way back in the back of her mouth where her uvula should be, she has a small hole.

We saw the plastic surgeon here in town and he doesn't like to do the repair until she is one. We are going for a second opinion at Seattle Children's Hospital next month when we visit Curtis' parents. They usually do soft cleft repairs between 9-12 months of age. Of course I'm hoping for an earlier repair.

This has been very hard for me. As a LLL leader and a breastfeeding mom, I was really looking forward to the experience of nursing a singleton and right now we cant nurse at all! I'm pumping around the clock, bottle feeding, washing all the bottles/pump parts etc and then there's the twins- this isn't what I had envisioned and is super hard but we're trying to make the best of it. I thought we'd co-sleep/nurse, I could sling her and sit down with the toddlers etc. I didn't think Id be up for all hours of the night trying to pump/feed etc. I thought we would just get in the car and go- but unless I can get everyone ready, out of the house and back home again in less than 3 hours (so I can pump) we aren't going anywhere!

I'm having a hard time establishing a routine and transitioning to life with 3 and a pump. Hence the reason its taken me so long to update! I'm sure it will all be OK- I just need to adjust.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts, you all have been great!


  1. Congrats! I know it will be a challenge but you sound persistant!

  2. This looked interesting, maybe you can find the whole article.
    I want to look at the whole article!

    Thinking of you!

  3. You are doing amazing! I can't even imagine tackling three kids and you do it gracefully! (You're late a lot though. lol)

  4. Hi I have been following your blog for sometime. I live in California,have b/g twins the same age and am thinking about adding a third to the mix so I was interested to see how it is with toddler twins plus a newborn.

    Congratulations on your new daughter! My daughter was born with a small cleft palate as well. It was a small hole in the soft palate that was repaired when she was one year old. We were surprised by it when she was born and it was a tremendous stress. Feeding with the Medela Haberman bottle, pumping every 2-3 hours around the clock for 9mos, cleaning bottles, sterilizing, etc is awful to be honest but it gets easier, I promise! Your milk will nourish your baby regardless. Just wanted to say that I know it's not easy but I think you are amazing!
